Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Short summary of Neurological History and Examination

Neurological History

Recognizing that history is the key to the neurologic evaluation, perform a competent history noting the following key factors:
A. Establish the onset, progression (temporal profile) and character of the disorder identifying all related symptoms and exacerbating/relieving factors
B. Perform a standard neurological review of symptoms with regard to personality, memory, headaches, pain, seizures, impairments of consciousness, vision, hearing, language function, swallowing, coordination, gait, weakness, sensory alterations, sphincter disturbance and involuntary movements, etc. (See more complete listing below.)
C. Perform the components of the general exam relevant to the neurologic evaluation to include the following:
1. Skin examination
2. Cardiovascular system examination including blood pressure and auscultation for bruits
3. Examine for meningismus
4. Straight-leg-raising maneuver
Neurological Review of Systems

Mental Status and Specific Cortical Functions:
Loss of consciousness, memory loss, forgetfulness, periods of confusion, difficulty concentrating, seizures, change in intellect (decline), change in personality, nervousness, anxiety, emotional instability, irritability, crying spells, mental disease, family history, under the care of a psychiatrist or psychologist, previous psychiatric hospitalization or outpatient therapy, violence, trouble with the law, insomnia, sleep disturbances, difficulty with work, social withdrawal, drug or alcohol problems, trouble with speech) aphasia vs. dysarthria)
Local Examination:
Trauma to the head, neck or back, tenderness, degenerative disc disease, herniated disc, bone lesions, infections, headache, neck pain, back pain, sciatica, sighing hyperventilating
Cranial Nerves:
Loss of smell, loss of vision, visual blurring, double vision, loss of taste, facial numbness, facial droop/palsy, drooling, ringing in the ears (tinnitus), deafness, dizziness (vertigo), slurred speech (dysarthria), difficulty swallowing (dysphagia)
Wasting, tremors, abnormal movements, stiffness, weakness, gait disturbances, loss of balance, strokes, tics, paralysis, dyskinesias
Dysesthesia, paresthesia, burns, trauma
Change in bladder function, change in bowel function, impotence, other sexual problems, sweating changes
Neurological Examination

Mental Status Exam:
Level of consciousness - awake, confused, lethargic, obtunded, stupor, coma
Cognitive Function:
a. time (day of week, day of month, month, season, year)
b. place (state, country, city, building, floor of building)
c. person (who, occupation, relationships, age, place of birth, date of birth)
Attention and attention span
Serial 7s, subtraction, digit retention
(nl: Concentration forward-7; backwards-4)
a. immediate (digit span forward and back)
b. recent (three objects at 5 minutes)
c. remote (history, presidents)
a. education, calculations, information (political, geographical)
b. functioning vocabulary (retarded, dull normal, normal, bright),
c. abstraction (proverbs, similarities/differences)
d. judgement
Behavioral Observations:
Appearance - dress, disordered, average, neat, bizarre, grooming, personal hygiene
Behavior (Affect) - labile, appropriate, flat, exaggerated, bizarre
Mood (Attitude) - detached, sad, suspicious, hostile, demanding, obstinate, anxious, friendly, cooperative, uncooperative, helpless, persistent, spontaneous, seductive, confused
Thought Processes - concrete, functional, abstract
Thought Content and Perceptions - delusions, phobias, interpretations, abnormal beliefs, morbid thoughts, preoccupations, illusions, hallucinations (visual vs. auditory; formed-temporal, unformed-assoc. cortex)
Insight/Judgement - none, little, average, good
Suicide/Homicide - none, ideation, threat, attempts, no information
Specific Cognitive Function:
Dominance - hand, foot, eye
Speech (Motor Aspects) - slurring, dysarthria, aphasia, spontaneous (fluent, paraphasia), distinction of articulation, testing of rapid labial and lingual sounds, rhythm of speech
Content of Speech - comprehension (ability to follow commands); naming (objects, colors, fingers, word finding problems), repetition (no ifs ands buts or maybes); reading (aloud, comprehension, dysphonia), writing (dictation, copying, handwriting)
Praxis - commands, imitation with a real object, sequential acts, e.g., dressing
Right/Left disorientation
Neglect and Hemineglect - double simultaneous stimulation (visual, tactile, auditory)
Visual-spacial Topographical Function - draw the face of a clock, set a time; copying, cube
Cranial Nerves:
I - unilateral, bilateral odors (tobacco, coffee)
II - light perception O.D. O.S.
confrontation fields
acuity (Jaeger, Snellen)
visual inattention
local exam of orbit
III, IV, and VI - eye position at rest (strabismus), extraocular movements, individual and conjugate eye movements, deviation, conjugate gaze, individual muscles, diplopia on extremes of gaze, ptosis, optokinetic response, nystagmus, pursuit, saccades
Pupillary response
size shape direct consensual convergence
V - corneal reflex, jaw reflex
sensory - 3 divisions; pin, touch (ophthalmic, maxillary, mandibular)
motor - masseters and temporalis; jaws open, bite, clench teeth
VII - brow, mouth, nasolabial fold, taste anterior, hyperacusis, lacrimation, palpebral fissures
volitional motor - raise eyebrows, wrinkle brow (upper nucleus); smile and frown (lower nucleus) close eyes tight, show teeth, frown, smile, puff cheeks, whistle
emotional motor - joke
VIII - acuity, Weber, Rinne
Cold Calorics L R
Positional Nystagmus
IX - swallowing, uvula, gag reflex L vs. R, phonation; taste in the posterior _ of tongue
X - yawn, say "ah", elevation of palate
XI - sternocleidomastoid, trapezius; shrug shoulders, rotate head against resistance
XII - tongue protrusion, tremor, fasiculations, atrophy, asymmetry, deviations of the tongue to the right, left, or midline, tongue-rapid alternation
Motor Exam:
Inspection - fasiculations, myokymia, tics, asterixis, contractures, abnormal movements, chorea, athetosis, dystonia, myoclonus, tremors (note amplitude and rate; resting, action, terminal, or postural) size, bulk, atrophy of muscle groups
Palpation - myoedema, myotonia, consistency, tenderness, induration
Tone - cogwheeling rigidity, flaccidity, hypotonia, clasp knife spasticity, spasm, peritonea
Strength, Power - distal weakness vs. proximal weakness, hemiparesis/hemiplegia, push/pull testing; functional hop in place, knee bends, posture, drift (pronator or tibial)
Slow RAM (rapid alternating motion), e.g., FN, FNF, HS; rebound
Rapid RAM; rapid alternation of tongue
Station - standing, one foot, Romberg, sitting
Gait - spastic, ataxic, myopathic, neuropathic, shuffling, apraxic, painful. Observe varus of feet, balance, arm swinging, turning tandem heel to toe walk, walk on toes, walk on heels, hopping, running
Deep tendon reflexes Superficial
(phasic stretch reflexes) (polysynaptic flexor reflexes)
jaw jerk snout
biceps (C56) upper abdominals (T8910)
brachioradialis (C56) lower abdominals (T101112)
pectoral (C678) cremasteric (L12)
triceps (C678) anal (S34)
finger flexors (C78T1) deep abdominals
suprapatellar (L234) plantar response (L45S12)
quadriceps (L234)
hamstrings (L45S1)
ankle/gastrocnemius (S12)
Clonus - ankle, patellar
Frontal Release Signs - glabellar, palmomental, rooting, grasp, snout, suck

Sensory Exam:
Compare sides left to right
Compare proximal vs. distal
Dermatomes vs. peripheral nerve
Pain/pinprick (spinothalamic, contralateral)
Temperature (spinothalamic)
Crude touch (spinothalamic)
Fine touch (multiple places in cord)
Vibration (dorsal columns)
Position sense (dorsal columns)
Discriminative sensations
two point discrimination (dorsal column)
object identification - stereognosis
extinction of double simultaneous stimulation
tactile inattention

Autonomic/Trophic Changes - blood pressure, abnormal or absent sweating, cutaneous ulcerations, hair loss, poor circulation
Peripheral Nerve Status - enlargement, tenderness

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